Free Property Report
Please be advised this Report in NOT an Appraisal and ValcoMD does not have any input regarding the research or results of this report. It is provided to you as a FREE property information service, not an Appraisal service. The report is a detailed computer-generated Automated Valuation Model (AVM). It may provide a value estimate and when available: photos, mapping, property type, room counts, lot/site, GLA/sq ft, basement, owner, interior and exterior features, HOA, Schools, value history, sales history, zoning, mortgage / deeds, market activity, and statistical analysis. A typical report is about twelve (12+) or more pages.
We have found that the general public has an interest in learning about the property they own, rent, live in, buying, selling, etc. and that is why we provide this report as a community service.
This report does NOT comply with The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
There is a limit of three (3) reports per person per year. If you need more than 3 reports, please contact us directly so that we can discuss your needs and options. 301-882-3145
Once again, if you want an Appraisal, please contact us at 301-882-3145
We generally email this report back to you within one business day or sooner. Please provide complete the form below so that we can properly locate the property and generate a report for you.
Contact Us
Office: 301-882-3145
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